Yes, you must provide any certificates given to you by the MC3 program, including the certificate of completion for completing the full program. You may submit a year-end pay stub showing the hours you worked. A letter from your employer stating the hours you worked, on company letterhead, with contact information and the type of work you performed. You should submit anything you think may be relevant to the position you are applying for. We suggest that you document any educational, military, and/or work experience you have accumulated. Please do not contact the ETI office as we do not host the PEF on our server. Please contact Data Solutions International Support Customer Support: You may update your PEF ONCE while on the POE list. There are requirements to request to update your PEF: Minimum 6 months since you were placed on the POE list and 1 of the following should be true: You have worked a minimum of 1,000 hours in the construction field OR you have completed one semester of an electrically-related course at an accredited institution. You will not be allowed to update your PEF due to Inaccuracies or incomplete supporting documentation during your original submission. For this reason, we strongly encourage you to gather all supporting documentation and review it carefully before you begin filling out your PEF form.
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